Buttons in canvas triggered multiple times from a single click

Seems like it’s working properly for me now.

Working now. Thank you!

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No problem @Marc_Fitt :raised_hands: !

I’m glad and relieved :relieved: to know that everything’s is working as expected :grin: !

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The new release went out a short while. Glad to hear that it’s working for everyone! Sorry again for the inconvenience.

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+1 Working now. Time to do some cleaning.

shoutout to @Martin_Portevin - this fix was a great temporary fix. Did you intuit it or trial and error?


Thank you for the shootout @Johg_Ananda !
The hardest thing was actually figuring out what was wrong in my doc, I spent a lot of a time before figuring out buttons where triggered multiple times. I had just made major changes in the document so my first lead was me probably having screwed up somewhere.
From there first idea was to find a way to prevent the button firing multiple times via “disable if”, which didn’t work, then right in the formula and it worked :slight_smile: !
Maybe my webdev experience having to find hacky dirty solutions around legacy code I can’t directly change helped ? Glad I could help you anyway.

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Also have it in my doc

The fix deployed by Coda don’t work in your case ?

Thanks, everything is fixed now. It was just a delayed post

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