Counting time in a row with variables

Hi there,

I received some amazing help on a related challenge, which you can find here - Struggling with a simple counting in a table

In addition to the request to count/add items on a weekly basis, i would also like to count based on 2 other variables.

In the example below I would like to sum the duration by week for the category and category+type.

As new weeks are added to the table, we would need to add a new row to the sum tables.

Any help would be much appreciated.


I just added to your doc a view, grouping by week, category and type. With the summarize function you can sum the duration of all the items within one group, so by collapsing/expanding them you can see the duration of specific categories/types.

Does this help you?

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this goes a long way to solving one problem, there is another, where I would like to put the totals into a seperate table.

What is the best way to approach this?

You will need to be a bit more specific. The totals of what? Which table?