Database Design Challenge - please help

Hi Experts,

How may I approach database design for this problem:


What Can I Buy at the Supermarket?

Milo gets a lot done at the local Megamart grocery store. In particular, they carry a store brand cereal, Mega Munchy that Milo loves.


  • paper towels & peanut butter (filed under groceries)
  • buy Mega Munchy (filed under Megamart)
  • buy ice cream (filed under frozen foods)
  • first class stamps (filed under stamps)


And here’s how Milo uses his knowledge to help him organize his tasks:

  • I buy groceries at supermarket
  • The category groceries includes the subcategory frozen foods
  • I buy stamps at supermarket
  • I buy stamps at post office
  • Megamart is the name of a supermarket
  • There’s a Megamart located in Bellevue
  • The area Eastside includes the smaller area Bellevue


Milo distinguishes frozen foods as a subcategory of groceries because he picks those up last.

One morning Milo stops a supermarket outside his regular area, and searches on "supermarket" in What To Do:


  • supermarket
    • groceries
      • buy ice cream
      • paper towels & peanut butter
    • stamps
      • first class stamps

He decides not to stop. Later Milo is on the Eastside, and searches on that in What To Do:

  • Eastside
    • Bellevue
      • buy Mega Munchy
      • buy ice cream
      • paper towels & peanut butter
      • first class stamps

Milo drills down on successive headings to see full details:

  • Eastside
    • Bellevue
      • Megamart
        • buy Mega Munchy
        • supermarket
          • groceries
            • paper towels & peanut butter
            • frozen foods
              • buy ice cream
          • stamps
            • first class stamps


Please have a look on the post;

Hopeful this will give you the inspiration, I suggest start building a “fake” scenario, share your questions in this community in case you can’t find the solution and you will be proud on the results and feeling well by what you have been learing.

Try to take little steps :footprints:

Coda is for makers,


Much appreciated Jean Pierre. I did create a small scenario. A bit embarrassed showing it off.

Thanks for the pointers. I will take a look.

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