Hi Experts,
How may I approach database design for this problem:
What Can I Buy at the Supermarket?
Milo gets a lot done at the local Megamart grocery store. In particular, they carry a store brand cereal, Mega Munchy that Milo loves.
- paper towels & peanut butter (filed under groceries)
- buy Mega Munchy (filed under Megamart)
- buy ice cream (filed under frozen foods)
- first class stamps (filed under stamps)
And here’s how Milo uses his knowledge to help him organize his tasks:
- I buy groceries at supermarket
- The category groceries includes the subcategory frozen foods
- I buy stamps at supermarket
- I buy stamps at post office
- Megamart is the name of a supermarket
- There’s a Megamart located in Bellevue
- The area Eastside includes the smaller area Bellevue
Milo distinguishes frozen foods as a subcategory of groceries because he picks those up last.
One morning Milo stops a supermarket outside his regular area, and searches on "supermarket" in What To Do:
- supermarket
- groceries
- buy ice cream
- paper towels & peanut butter
- stamps
- first class stamps
- groceries
He decides not to stop. Later Milo is on the Eastside, and searches on that in What To Do:
- Eastside
- Bellevue
- buy Mega Munchy
- buy ice cream
- paper towels & peanut butter
- first class stamps
- Bellevue
Milo drills down on successive headings to see full details:
- Eastside
- Bellevue
- Megamart
- buy Mega Munchy
- supermarket
- groceries
- paper towels & peanut butter
- frozen foods
- buy ice cream
- stamps
- first class stamps
- groceries
- Megamart
- Bellevue