Eliminate Automatic Side Display When Opening a Row

Hi all,

This feels like a silly question, but I can’t for the life of me figure it out.

Somehow, on one specific table in my doc, when I open a row, it opens off to the side. It happens every single time I open a row and I can’t seem to find the setting to make it open in the center of the page.

Here’s what it’s doing (what I DON’T want it to do):

Here’s what I WANT it to do by default:

Where can I find that setting to make the default view open in the center of the page?

:wave: @Rai_Cornell

Top right where there’s 3 dots in a vertical line (row position, then select Center) OR the one 2 icons over (looks like rectangle that is half shaded in your screenshot i.e. denotes right modal)

Hope this helps!



Hey Rai!
This button column might also be hard coded to open in the right layout, have a look at its action


Oh my god, THANK YOU! I knew it was a silly thing I was missing. @Rickard_Abraham was 100% correct. FIXED!

Thank you, both :slight_smile:


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