Form validation formula override

I don’t get why setting form validation is not overriden by validation formula. If I mark question as required, it is logical that the question can’t be left empty.

Currently, if I add a formula to validation, it’s logic will be applied on top of the original requirement (not be blank). This way I can only define what the input should consist of, but it can’t be blank.

I want the validation formula to override the original requirement logic.
If there is validation formula, it should override the “Required/Not required” logic.

This means that I can mark question as Not required, but it will still not allow submission if the validation is not passing. Also, if the question is marked as Required, user leaves it blank, and validation contains CurrentValue.IsBlank(), it should pass.

Another issue is type validation. What if I want to leave user with two options:

  • enter your website url
  • type in “no website”

If my case, user has to explicitly specify that they don’t have a website.

If the original validation checks for URL, but finds “no website”, it will fail. I want to be able to set formula that will make it possible to pass the validation in this case, irregardless of the type issue.