Grid beta - set color rows

i got the grid activated confirmation email and it has this image in the email where the top row and first column is gray. i can’t figure out how to color rows though, my only options are for the text formatting. anyone know where to find these options?
2024-06-22 09 48 54

Hey @Kai_Pham! Are you looking to do some conditional formatting on the table and have colorized rows, or are you looking to only colorize the header? Thanks for any clarity you can share!

All my best,

yes this is for grid (beta), not a table.
when I add a grid to the page, my options are only to style the text. i don’t see any options to style the cells. it’s fine, i’ll just assume the screenshot of the grid was an old beta and they removed that feature

The background color as seen in the preview currently is not available on beta but it is something the team is working on. :slight_smile:

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Chiming in to let you know that we’ve just launched the ability to add cell colors to grids. Learn more here.

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