Hide Section List-Mobile not working

I have a document that I embedded in a web page with hide section list enabled. On a pc browser that seems to work fine but on my iPhone/iPad I can still see the sections at the bottom of the embedded document. If I switch to request desktop site they go away. Am I doing something wrong?

@Heath_Foster nothing is wrong on your end, the innovations in coda are a powerful modification to the browser itself, and it being a beta mode and rather early, it’s just not built for mobile view browser yet. If you use desktop mode with a wireless keyboard and disable touch input you get virtually all of the functionality But I imagine they are working on the apps for android and this will bring the missing functionality soonish .

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Hi @Heath_Foster, thanks for letting us know - that’s a bug, and we’re working on the fix so that the section bar does not show on mobile when the embed is set to hide the section list.

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Great to hear.