How to get log history into another table

I’m working on a checkout system. In my demo, you can choose a book and which club is checking the title out. When you click Add to History, it shows up in the Borrowing History table further down. This will allow me to keep tabs on how many times a particular book is checked out.

The next step is to get that checkout associated with the book club’s history. In the demo, this is the Book Clubs table. I’ve tried to create a button in Borrowing History to push the change to Book Clubs, but no luck. So far, when you hit the Borrowing History button, it just adds two rows to the Book Clubs table. This is not the intended behavior.

I want the most recent book (Current Book) to show up there and all previous books to go in the Previous Book column.

Hi @agoodman
the demo doc you’ve embedded is not open to access

Oops! Sorry about that, @Asaf_Dafna . I believe it’s fixed now.