Hi @Yannik, and welcome to the Coda Community!
Firstly, I totally enjoyed your post. In practice, I don’t think relying on Doc History is as traumatic as you expect it’ll be but you have brought up some very valid points! This specific problem is something I’ve been mulling over in my head for a while and your post inspired me to quickly whip up a solution that I think may help you.
In this doc, I’ve built a simple system that tracks changes to topics in your wiki. Whenever a user makes an edit to a “page”, a version of the page is stored and there’s a simple workflow to view previous versions and revert the topic back to a previous state if need be. I’ve left a couple of interactions incomplete to inspire you to work through your own solutions, but the gist of the solution is there for you to make a start with. I’ve also tried to include as much documentation as possible to make it easier to understand.
You’re welcome to copy doc
if you feel it’s helpful. Good luck with your build!