We love seeing you share published docs here in the Coda Community and across social media. But one thing we heard is that sometimes what really excited you about a doc is a particular page.
Previously, whenever you shared any page of a published doc, the way metadata was passed meant that any details that unfurled on social media sites, or even in Coda docs, was for the first page of a published doc only. That changes today.
Now, if you share a link to a page from a published doc, the metadata passed will be for that page, increasing relevance for everyone who sees what you shared. We’ll also show the Page name, followed by the Doc name to further contextualize what you share, when you share it.
For example, if you wanted to share the Decision exploration table from Annie Duke’s “How to make better decisions” doc, the card that unfurls will be for that specific page, and not the intro page.
We hope this helps you share more great docs with more confidence and more relevance!