Thanks for the detailed feedback, Ander! I’ll forward it to the product team.
@Sam_Smith yes in the current version of the API pages are still listed as sections. In the future, we will rollout a new version of the API that has more built-in support for pages. I’ll be sure to add your request for create page to our backlog.
Great updates! However, it seems like one feature that I really liked disappeared along with this. It would be very nice to have this back. The feature was the ability to shrink the left sidebar just enough to show the icons for each page, and only the icons. Now, when I try shrink the left sidebar to hide the text and show just the icon, it closes all the way…
My docs are set up so I can quickly navigate them by using the icons as a visual menu/navigation, which was working pretty well up til now!
Thanks team!
Hi @raina0983— I’m the designer that worked on this. Good question. Before, there were only two levels. But since you can now nest pages inside pages several levels deep, there wasn’t a way to make all those levels clear in a mini sidebar.
We do think the ability to quickly switch is useful, so we added the ability to show the sidebar on hover as mentioned above. Not exactly the same of course, but hopefully it enables you to navigate just as quickly. Would love to hear what you think of the hover sidebar, and how your doc is set up specifically, feel free to send me a private message on the community here.
Hi Evan,
I find the reveal on hover really annoying and distracting. I would prefer to toggle manually AND have a re-sizeable left panel with icon only view.
Life would be better without the side panel jumping open on a mouse movement.
Is it possible to hide a subpage in the sidebar but still see it under the title of the parent page on the canvas?
I have a doc with a top level page, 4 subpages, 16 sub-subpages, and 64 sub-sub-subpages. I would prefer if when I click on a subpage listed on the canvas under the parent page’s title that the entire page list doesn’t unfold in the left sidebar. It’s quite annoying for docs with many pages.
Just like I can toggle Subpages on or off at in the Page Options panel, I’d like to be able to hide subpages in the doc list (left sidebar) - but still see them listed on the canvas under the title of the parent page.
That said, I have found one workaround: refactor the entire page list under one top level page, essentially porting the doc list onto the first page.
I’d love the ability to edit Subpages listed on the canvas. Instead of having to move my mouse over to the left side bar.
Hey Evan, wow I am really late replying but I didn’t realize you had replied to me! Still a relevant topic. I just mostly have one-layer docs. However, I see your point. I made a quick mockup to illustrate a simple way this function could work that supports multiple layers.
Screen space is valuable, I don’t care about the names of the items (I know what they are), and the click-to-open, click-to-select, click-to-close process is just not good for frequent tab switching.
I pulled in a Notebook from Notion with subpages.
How do I get a subpages header to show on the parent page?
to show a link to (open) the subpages, click on page options and slide the appropriate switch:
Page options are available when you hoover your mouse in the top section of your page, next to your page title:
In the above News message, @Kelly_Chan stated that,
Folders will become top-level pages.
However, Folders still show up in the Workspaces’ sidebar menu under a section “FOLDERS” The only ‘add’ option is to add a new Doc, not a Page as that suggests. Could you kindly then explain the function of a folder - is it to act as some sort of Doc container - perhaps for organizing Docs which will be made private, or otherwise?
Clearly it doesn’t serve as a hierarchical ‘container’, so what exactly would be its function in a Doc/Page/Subpage organizational scheme? Thanks.
Folders still show up in the Workspaces’ sidebar menu under a section “FOLDERS” The only ‘add’ option is to add a new Doc, not a Page as that suggests. Could you kindly then explain the function of a folder - is it to act as some sort of Doc container - perhaps for organizing Docs which will be made private, or otherwise?
Hi, @Bob_Day! The “folders” mentioned in this particular post refers to a now deprecated feature that no longer exists in today’s docs. (It was replaced by the concept of pages, which today support nesting.)
You are correct that workspace folders are used to organize docs and are one way to control who can see certain docs. Here’s the help article that has more information about workspaces and folders.
Thanks. I was about to edit that I literally just ran across that. It would be helpful for the team to show some sort of DEPRECATED flag on these articles, as there is a lot of conflicting definitional information (due to your amazing work and inventiveness!)
So, it appears that Folders (and their Docs) are the only objects that can truly be “hidden” from others’ eyes… while Docs and pages can be ‘locked’, we need folders to truly hide them. This suggests a fair bit of Cross-Doc usage if there is considerable data that needs hiding.
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll let the team know and see how they want to handle the older articles.
Yes, if someone has view access to a doc, they’ll effectively have access to all the information in the doc. Very often, if you want to expose only a subset of the information from Doc A, you’ll need to cross doc that information into Doc B and make sure people only have access to Doc B.
That’s well put - thank you. I think that a general article around permissions/privacy across Coda - all the bits in various places can confuse things - would be very helpful to noobs (which most of us are) - particularly those with CS backgrounds - we want to know that stuff out of the box. Thanks again.
Hi @adamginzberg64 is there any update for the pages API? I need to work on something that requires to create a new page via API calls
@Khairul_Haaziq great question, we don’t have much active work in this area but I’d love to help facilitate your request. Will reach out over DM.
Is creating new pages within a doc supported by the API? I’m working on trying to migrate the data from our current internal wiki over to Coda but maintain the “folder” structure by creating a new page per folder that exists within the existing platform we’re using. This would really help reduce any manual effort required after moving over our data.