Number of responses per persona

Hi everyone,

I’m brand new on coda, and not a coder or any excel expert, so i hope my question is not so obvious.

I have a sheet with answers from a survey on , where i add a collumn to categorize answers by persona.
To do so, i created a table with a list of persona’s name that i link to my answer. As this i just have to choose on the scrowldown my persona.

But now, i’m looking to analyze answers. Especialy by counting numbers of answers per persona.

I tried so many thing that seems abvious, but nothing works except the one to just count number of total answers regardless personas.

Thanks for your help,
Here my answers from tally + My last collumn.


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Here my persona table

Hi Xavier

The simplest way is to create a view of your table, group by the persona, and then add a count to the column. (You can do that by mouseover just below the last line, or through the column menu.)


salut @xavier_sourceau , in case the rather smart solution from @Piet_Strydom does not meet your needs (the numbers you see are only visible, you cannot reference them) you might want to transpose some data for further analysis. I wrote a blog about it related to paperform, but for tally you can apply the same logic:


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