Randomize / shuffle a List

There is a solution in the first part of the doc embedded in this post which I will re-embed here.

Brief Explanation

When you press the [New Sequence] button, it clears the existing order of items and then presses the [New Order] button for each row in the table to be shuffled.

Why in the table and not in a canvas formula? Because as Xyzor mentioned, Random() on the canvas needs a delay to produce multiple random outputs (and is resistant to workarounds)… but this is not so in a table — each row gets it’s own separate Random() output.

The [New Order] button assigns a new unique ordered number to the row via this formula:

   Sequence(1, [ListtoShuffle].Count()).Filter(
      Not([ListtoShuffle].[Randomized Order].Contains(CurrentValue))

Check out this example doc:

Let me know if further explanation is needed :slightly_smiling_face:

It is very very Similar to Christian’s answer. I’m not sure, @Christiaan_Huizer, why yours is not working. Maybe the in-table buttons are helping mine?