Watch for deleted records API

Hi there,

I’m fairly new to Coda. I’m integrating with OneDrive through

I have a table “DB Archive”… that contains records from other tables that have been archived (obviously). Each record in “DB Archive” has a column with the onedrive FileID.
If a record is deleted from the “DB Archive” table I want the corresponding File to be deleted from Onedrive…

In there is a module “Watch Updated Rows”… but a delete doesn’t seem to trigger an update.

Any suggestions how to capture deleted records in a table through the API?

Anyone can point me in the right direction? Thx!

I’ve been thinking about it a little longer :sunglasses:
When there is not way to trigger something upon delete through the API… maybe the following is a workaround.

  1. I create a new table “DB Remove from OneDrive” table and add a column “OneDrive FileID”.
  2. When I delete a record from my “DB Archive” table, I insert a new record into “DB Remove from OneDrive”.
  3. can listen to new records being created in a specific table. With the “OneDrive FileID” i can remove the specific file from OneDrive! Tada!:grinning:

Downside: I would need to create an extra table in Coda to be able the trigger with it.

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