Automatic TOC - Javascript Hack (advanced)

I’m looking for a way to quickly navigate between tables in the same section when on mobile…

Maybe using references to other rows in the table? @BenLee

I was checking this out and links to tables don’t work on mobile the same as they do on desktop. This would be a nice thing to be able to do. I’m adding it to our list of items of things we can brush up.

I can’t think of another way to anchor link for mobile at the moment.

Actually the problem is possibly architectural: Coda doesn’t deal with internal elements of anything but tables. I mean, there are formulaic references to headings in documents which could let insert crossreferences

Nowadays I’m working on a dynamic report for one of my customers. Coda is really a jump in terms both of possibilities and adoption curve compared for instance with jupyter. BUT since there is no way of crossreferencing (“see in Annex II below[link]”) or even use headings of level 4 or 5, coda is needlessly limited as a report tool.

My report is heavily based on external tables. I couldn’t do it without coda. But man, it’s frustrating because such additional results seems to be so close and immediate…

I appreciate your feedback on this. We are looking at a lot of things and a lot of features, as well as how to keep improving what we have up already. Some of this is trickier than it sounds and just because you can make it happen on screen with developer tools or other tools, doesn’t necessarily mean it plays well when included in an overall framework.

With software, it’s relatively easy to add a feature that closes off opportunities to add other features later on. A good bit of testing and code review needs to happen to think through all avenues and possibilities.

I’ve been consistently impressed with how the engineers and designers here think through ideas and how they implement them. And it’s a very open company where everyone is invited to participate.

I can assure you that they see the ideas here on the community as well. Quite a few posts on this forum have been presented in company wide meetings. It might be suggestions for the product or a really cool formula or doc that was posted, but everyone gets excited to see what the community is up to.

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I fully agree with @BenLee on this - and I should make this more clear in the descriptions of these posts.

I’m creating these features with the knowledge that rolling concepts like these out for an entire product has incredible overhead for Coda (be it tech, design or committing to maintaining it) and that this provides a good hold-over for certain parts of the community.

We don’t know what’s in the pipeline (for all we know, a vastly different approach to TOC) and whether a simple TOC conflicts with that in some way. They also can’t simply respond to this in short order because it needs to be thought through - you can’t give customers a feature and afterwards take it away.


@GJ_Roelofs, I really like your posts and that you always add “advanced” or “may break at any moment”.

More importantly, experimenting like this and seeing forms of real time use is how we see what people want in features and it also gives us a chance to start seeing different implementations.

Your outside-the-box to way-outside-the-box thinking is most definitely appreciated here! :slight_smile: