Button, action strange error

I have a table with tasks, there are columns “how much time a day to spend on a task to complete it,” “how much time it takes to complete a task”, “time spent on a task today”.
“Time spent on a task today” is calculated by clicking on the button with the formula:

RunActions (ModifyRows (thisRow, [My backlog]. [T worked], Sum ([T worked], Time (0,15,0))), AddOrModifyRows ([Results of the day], [Task] = thisRow. [Task] , [Task], thisRow. [Task], [T per day, plan], thisRow. [T per day, plan], [T worked], sum ([Results of the day]. [T worked], Time (0, 15.0))))

As you can see from the formula, by pressing a button, the time spent on tasks is also logged in another table.
There is a strange error that can only be seen if you click on the button in the first row, then in the second row, and so on. In this case, the “time spent on the task today” is increased not by 15, but by a larger number.
What is the error of my formula?
I provide access for an example. Just don’t get confused, everything is in Russian, Google Translate seems to be translating normally.

Hey @dezvin!

These pieces of formula look suspicious to me:

In the first occurrence I’m not sure if [T worked] gets properly resolved as thisRow.[T worked], or references the whole column, i.e. [My backlog].[T worked]. In the second occurrence it references the whole column of [Results of the day].[T worked], i.e. replaces the value not with value+15 min, but with the sum of all time logged + 15 min.

Here’s the formula you need, beautified and written in a more expressive object-oriented/chaining style:

    [My backlog].[T worked], thisRow.[T worked] + Minutes(15),
  [Results of the day].AddOrModifyRows(
    CurrentValue.Task = thisRow.Task,
    [Results of the day].Task, thisRow.Task,
    [Results of the day].[T per day plan], thisRow.[T per day plan],
    [Results of the day].[T worked], CurrentValue.[T worked] + Minutes(15)

Try this. Notice the use of CurrentValue within the AddOrModifyRows. However, I’d say this is still not the best way to approach this. Ideally you’d reorganize your database in such way:

  • A separate table of time tracking entries: one row links a task to a date (i.e. Today()) and duration.
  • Then you have a table that aggregates the sum of durations by task, by day.
  • Then all your button has to do is add a row to that time tracking table with thisRow.Task and duration of 15 minutes or whatnot. You wouldn’t have to +15 your values manually, instead you’ll have a formula calculating the sums.

The only reason to not do this is if you’re expecting tens of thousands of tasks in this doc, in which case live formulas may slow the doc down. But normally you wouldn’t run into these issues with simpler docs like this.

И да, я говорю по-русски, если что :slight_smile:

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Господи, неужели кто-то говорит по-русски! :smiley:
Да ещё и чемпион коммьюнити!
Это меня порадовало даже больше, чем предложенное решение, потому что не ожидал)
Пойду проверять и тестить)

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I understand correctly that you recommend:

  1. create a separate table in which tasks will be written row by row with the date of work on the task and the duration of work on it
  2. create a separate table, which will summarize the time spent on each task and indicate the date of work on the task
  3. Set up the previously created buttons so that a row with the name of the task and the duration of work on it will be added to the table of paragraph 1 by clicking on the button (I have 15 minutes by default)
  4. The rest of the calculations will be calculated according to the formulas and I will be able to correctly filter, separate and analyze the work on my tasks in the past


Yes, pretty much it.

Frankly, I didn’t dive deep into your specifics (I understand you want to log progress on each task, but also have some daily breakdown of time spent). But yes, generally it’s a better practice to go as granular with your data as you need, then aggregate bottom up.

If this statement for you is true: “I track progress on each task in 15 minute intervals, and I want to see how much time I spent on each task on any given day”, then yes, you need at least two tables:

  1. The table of Tasks
  2. The table of Task progress, with each row containing a Task reference, a Date, and duration.

Then you can build charts directly on that.

And you can filter and group that Task progress table too, to get summaries on either dimension.

Or you can make another, third table where you’ll look up entries from the Task progress table and calculate sums with a custom formula to your liking.

Я еще этим и зарабатываю)

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