Can you create rows that retain the information pulled in at the time of creation?

Yes those formulas don’t exist yet though it’s definitely on our list to add them. Feel free to upvote that post!

In the mean time, there are a few ways you could do this.

  1. A ledger model - in that case, you store every update to the “balance” at it’s own row (like a ledger). Then you get the current balance by finding the last entry in that table.

  2. A history table - Set up a button that logs the current balance to a “history table”. You can either click that when you make changes, or set up an automation to do it at some frequency (i.e. “if balance has been modified since the last log entry, then click the button to add a log entry”). This example is similar to this idea: Capture `History` of changes / Create Log of changes to important value of record

Happy to help build out examples for either case.
