I’ve split out all the sub-suggestions from this thread into their own discreet topics, that way this thread can be kept on the goal of enabling APIs for custom billing.
Similar to how Coda bundles certain packs into its Pro, Team, and Enterprise plans, it would be nice if makers could offer bundles of their packs.
To be specific, this would be the ability to charge a single $X/maker/month subscription that grants access to Y packs, that would otherwise be billed individually.
Similar to how Coda has a freemium business model (a free tier as well as paid tiers), it would be nice if this was also available to Pack makers.
Such use case could be pricing a pack as;
If you pay for coda, you pay $X/maker/month for the pack.
If you don’t pay for coda, the pack is also free.
This allows fairer / less exclusionary pricing for Packs, as those whose situation cannot afford commercial subscriptions, can still use Coda and the packs until their situation improves; enabling th…
Similar how Coda has tiers for Free, Pro, Teams, and Enterprise, it would be nice if Pack makers also had the ability to price their packs with tiers, with the purchased tier information being provided via a Pack API so that the Pack can adjust its functionality according to the tier, if it wishes.
This would enable:
Putting certain features behind certain pricing tiers
This would enable Pack authors to throw an error on say Premium formulas if the pricing tier is not met
Putting certain l…
Instead of Pack authors requiring a $X/month/maker billing, which are surcharges on the Coda user experience, it would be nice if say 10% of the Coda subscription fee went to Pack makers by their usage. This would enable more free packs, and thus more accessible usage, while still reciprocating payment back to value contributors.
Similar to how Coda places usage limits on its Free, Pro, and Teams plans, it would be nice if that ability was also available to Pack authors.
Such usage could be charging per X amount of sync table rows or formula invocations.
Doc authors who focus on making reusable templates have expressed a desire for the ability to charge a fee for copying their document. Currently the only builtin ability for revenue for doc authors is the Coda affiliate system, however this only rewards new-signups and is not reciprocal of template copy value, which can be multitudes depending on how many templates a maker wishes to charge for.
Currently the only configurable values for a Pack are related to authentication. It would be nice if Packs could specify an array of properties that can be configured either per-workspace, or per-maker, or per-document. This would streamline a lot of advanced usage for packs, and it would also enable certain usage that otherwise would be too tedious for Coda packs.