First(), Last(), Nth()

First (list)

Get the first value from a list

List(1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13).First() ⟶ 1


list – A table, column, or list of values


Outputs the first value in list or blank if the list is empty.

Last (list)

Get the last value from a list

List(1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13).Last() ⟶ 13


list – A table, column, or list of values


Outputs the last value in list or blank if the list is empty.

Nth (list, position)

Returns the nth item in a list from the number provided

List(1,3,5,7,11).Nth(1) ⟶ 1

List("Dog", "Cat", "Mouse").Nth(3) ⟶ “Mouse”


list – A table, column, or list of values

position --The position to retrieve a value for. The first item in the list has index 1.


Outputs the value from list at position or Blank if position is past the end of the list.

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