I have setup a repeating task doc and want to be able to copy the start Date of the task to another date column when a new record is added. I would like to do this without using a button if possible.
Additionally I want to be able to drag the task in calendar view to reschedule. IU am unable to do this at present.
this is due to the End date/time or duration of calendar set to a formulaic column i.e. “End Date”. You’ll need to change it to an editable column (maybe Duration if want ot keep “End Date” as is) to be able to drag/reschedule row.
can you please describe in steps your workflow? e.g. you will add new row by the + symbol at bottom of table and/or +New button at top right of table?
where does the Start Date come from?
The row above? or you will enter it after row is added?
If its the row above, you can set a formula for “Value for new rows” in the settings for your Schedule Date column. But if your workflow is you add the new line then you fill out the Start Date then you can achieve your desired result by automation. The reason why is because Coda needs to know the date before it adds new row and not after the fact.
for drag and drop :
You can’t drag and drop between two views &
as melany says the end date is a formula so it can’t be moved on the calendar
You can create automation for set end date if duration en start date change
Thanks @Melanie_Teh that makes sense.
I have managed to redo this table using buttons - Add Task to setup a brand new task and Mark Done to complete task and create its next recurrence.
I also found that using the duration column helped me moved things around in calendar view to void the formula in end date - thanks @Math_24