Idiomatic way to extend tables

Hi @Federico_Stefanato , thanks for the response.

Yes actually I was wondering about something like that, in fact I posted earlier on this thread about things that took a long time to discover in coda, even though looking back it’s quite obvious, but I thought that Views might work that way - that Columns added on a View would “extend” the base table, not be added to it.

Thanks for linking your post - I did search but did not find that one. The big downside I’m having right now with the approach I mentioned is what you described - that I want the base table to be updated with new entries if something is entered in one of the extended views. Currently, the user will have to enter new entries into the base table and then any other extension tables needed for a contextual view…which is not great.

I was trying to use pre-filled form fields + RunActions for this, but without a published form and I’m not sure if the form fields can be used to populate lookups. I wonder if a Form that would allow entering a row into multiple tables at once would make sense (wouldn’t help with cross-doc though…but it would be a start).