Hello there,
brand new to coda, have read quite a lot et spent time watching tutorial.
Yet it’s surprisingly difficult to achieve something very basic.
Am a dog trainer. Made a table for dog owners, another one for dogs, then another one for evaluations. One owner can have several dogs, and one dog can go through multiples evaluations.
An evaluation is for one dog at a time, and a dog belongs to one owner at a time.
Trying to make a form where I can just create an evaluation, fill out owner properties, then dog properties then evaluation properties.
While playing wiht coda, at some point I manage to get a “+” button to add new dogs belonging to current owner but can’t reproduce it.
Currently, wether I use form view or detail view, I’m facing a long list of previous owner and dogs to choose from when I actually want to create new one and fill in all data.
Any insights would be welcome, as am afraid to have time to struggle with such simple things to rebuild my customers management system.
thank you