Landscape on mobile (and overall mobile experience)


I greatly enjoy using Coda. It has brought me great relief and joy after moving from Obsidian and Notion, and gives me the functionalities that I needed, and with ease.

If I could make a suggestion for further development, it would be the experience on mobile. My suggestion is a bit vague, but I think you know what I mean when you use coda on the phone or tablet. The display and functionality can still be improved in general, and I belief that the way it is now is something that we will look back on in the past, saying “remember when it was still like that?” It seems unfinished as it is right now, but useable.

Something that I particulary need is landscape mode on tablet, as I use my tablet a lot for my work. Now I use the workaround through the browser, but I don’t like the lost screenspace at the top.

Also, tables are displayed as cards, but those cards don’t look that nice. It’s just a rather random mess of tags (column values). A better design of cards would be appreciated, and the design in general to be able to fit well with tablets, would also be nice. Now all the elements are quite small, and fit a bit awkwardly on a tablet screen size. It just doesn’t feel native, and it stands out from other apps.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you will use my call to attention to support development effort towards the mobile experience in general, although I did not mention a lot of specific things.



Ben -

I agree, the mobile experience is very much less than ideal. I realize that it can be very hard to create something that looks good on desktop that then automatically renders to something great on mobile…

In general (even on desktop) the layout of pages / tables / record views and layouts is limited.

Maybe allow a (optional) simplified and optimized “shadow” page for each for mobile? Or a mobile layout that gets rendered if the screen is mobile size?


If you add a browser session to your (phone, tablet) desktop, it opens as an app, but gives you landscape mode. I I remember correctly, you have to delete the Coda app for this to work, but I don’t think the coda app added much functionality.

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partial solution

I found a partial solution. On Samsung tables, landscape mode works in DeX mode. It does render the limited mobile version of pages, but it is workable for a system that is already in place.



Hi Ben,

I completely understand where you’re coming from. I also appreciate the functionalities that Coda offers, especially after transitioning from Obsidian and Notion. The flexibility and ease of use have been a game-changer for me as well.

Your suggestions about improving the mobile experience are spot-on. Landscape mode on tablets would be incredibly useful, and I agree that the current card design for tables could use some refinement. A more polished and functional design for mobile screens would make a big difference, particularly for those of us who rely on tablets for work.

I hope the Coda team takes note of these suggestions. Enhancing the mobile experience could indeed make the app even more versatile and user-friendly.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Coda’s mobile experience is the worst thing about the service.

I agree with the issues stated in this thread and there are many other problems with the mobile app too.

However, the biggest oversight regarding Coda’s mobile experience is not having a native calendar built into the app. I can’t believe in 2024 a mobile app targeting business and enterprise users doesn’t have a calendar. How is that still possible?

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