Hello @Ben_Lieber1 ,
There are so many user scenarios… I really think the algoritms do a good job, the filtering of search results can really help to. But please understand that in many cases we don’t want our users to have to deal with setting filters - which is not always an easy task anyway. We have so many controls available, that I think many docs do fine without any global or general search. Great feature if a maker wants it to be available, but just as great if it can be turned off.
Let me give you a small example where searching brings our users to the wrong place.
An empolyee table lists about 100 people. One of the (relation) columns allows for saving the brandneme of the car this persons drives. The choices are a lookup from a ‘hidden’ table listing all the brandnames, like Ford, GMS, Chevrolet, Hyunday, Honda, Toyota, etc.
When searching for Ford, among other things, the rows of employees who drive a Ford will show up. Now say someone searches for Jaguar, it is in the brandname list, but no person drives a Jaguar. The search results will show the brandnames row with Jaguar, and upon following that find, this persons ends up in a modal from the brandnames table.
The table is not secret, so it’s not the worst scenario, but the table is not meant to be used that way by an avarage user, it is only to be used by admins (makers).
This is a very simple example - in real life things are a lot more complicated and can lead to corrupted data. I know there are many other ways to get into lookup tables, but they are not as obvious (and I hope that will be addressed someday when tables that reside on hidden pages are out of reach too).
Along the same line of thought, a lot of us makers want to get rid of the table reference at the top left of a modal (and instead, have either nothing at that place, or a return button (return to wherever you came from).
Please feel free to contact me for perhaps a video call in which I can demonstrate the things we have to deal with when sharing our document with ‘regular’ users.
Greetings, Joost