`ListAppend` formula for Nested Lists

Not possible to create nested lists with ListCombine because it removes all nested lists.

I would like to be able to take an existing nested list, e.g.

  List("A", 1), 
  List("B", 2)

And add

List("C", 3)

To the end to end up with:

Not currently possible with ListCombine as

  List("A", 1), 
  List("B", 2)
).ListCombine(List("C", 3))


ListCombine might better be called ListMerge or ListFlatten due to this behavior.

Ok, there is a way to do this. It’s super hacky but I guess the community could benefit from it since I didn’t see any posts on how to make nested lists.

Let’s say you have an existing formula called MyList that looks like this:

You can append List("C", 3) to that list with the formula:

Sequence(1, MyList.Count() + 1).FormulaMap(
  If(CurrentValue <= MyList.Count(),
    List("C", 3)

Just to show it works:
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Of course all of this could be solved much more elegantly with syntax like:

MyList.ListAppend(List("C", 3))
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@cnr there’s a Splice() formula specifically for list modification, i.e. inserting or deleting items:

  List("A", "B"),
  List("C", "D")
).Splice(3, 0, List(List("E", "F")))

means at position 3 delete zero items and insert a List("E", "F") and return [A, B], [C, D], [E, F]:


Please note the List(List(...)) — if you just submitted a non-nested list to the Splice formula it would insert list items one by one and would get [A, B], [C, D], E, F. The Splice function unwraps one list but doesn’t unwrap the second.


I didn’t know this worked! Not exactly intuitive, but useful to know. Thank you.

I suppose the most general way to implement Append using Splice would be:

    List("A", "B"),
    List("C", "D")
  ), TargetList,
  TargetList.Splice(TargetList.Count(), 0, List(List("E", "F"))

So that the TargetList can be of any length.

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