Pass Query Paramter to Sync Table Pack?

Suppose I want to build a pack to create a sync table. But the contents of the table will depend on a query to be entered by the user.

How can I pass a query parameter to a sync table?

You can find an example in the documentation :


As @Math_24 pointed out, the mechanism for passing filters or other settings into a sync table is via parameters. In addition to the sample he linked to, you can read more about parameters and how to use them in this guide:

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So is just a matter of checking out the API specification you are working with, creating the parameters with the correct data types, as pointed by @Eric_Koleda and @Math_24, declaring them as arguments on your formula and then placing them where they need to be in the API call (sometimes they go as URL Query strings, in other scenarios they go as a json body).

Coda will create the interface for your users to fulfill these parameters when interacting with your pack.
You can consider a parameter as optional, set suggested values or even use autocomplete, when your parameter have a list of possible options and you want to ensure consistency – the documentation and the sample codes really helps a lot.