I have a table “publications”, in which I apply an automation. The last step of this automation (step 8) creates a new row in the table “AllEvents” using the information from the JSON object that I have in the column “informations”
What I want to do next is to check if in the finale table “Events” there’s a row with the same “Name” and “Company Name” as new row in “AllEvents”, if yes; I want to modify the column “source” in the table “Events”, if no; I want to add this row from table “AllEvents” to the table “Event”
This is the formula that I wrote but it keeps throwing configuration error :
ForEach(thisRow.[Step 8 Result], WithName(CurrentValue, element , If(and(Name.Contains(element.Name), Company.Contains(element.Company) ), ModifyRows(Event.Filter( And(element.Name=CurrentValue.Name, currentvalue.Company=element.Company)),Event.Source, Event.Source+", "+element.Url) , AddRow(Event, Event.Name, element.Name, Event.Company, element.Company, Event.[Function Type], element.[Function Type], Event.Event, element.Event, Event.Date, element.Date, Event.Gender, element.Gender, Event.Age, element.Age, Event.Nationality, element.Nationality, Event.Source, element.Url ) ) ) )