As you can see, the result for every row, except the first, seems to be some sort of cell identifier (as text) with the movement value added (again as text).
Is it possible to write a formula that takes a value from the previous row?
Additionally, it seems that when using nth you only get back the ‘display value’, which in my example is OK, but it would be really nice if there was a way to refer to a specific column.
This does, however, assume that your list has been created in order. If you add a row in the middle, the formula no longer works.
I’m working on a formula that doesn’t care about added order. I’ll let you know if I come up with something.
PS - The “Row ID” column appears to need to exist for this formula to exist. Just create it using the “Row Properties” -> “Row ID” column type, and then hide it. Apparently, you cannot get the RowID of CurrentValue.
That is brilliant! I couldn’t figure out how to find the index of the row we were on, and you did it… Well done.
Here is my alternative solution with the formula from Ander integrated:
Note: I imagine the solution from Ander is in fact better on performance, since mine calculates a sum across all previous rows, for every row. (But mine doesn’t have an “If”) Ander just calculates based on the last row. Without knowing more about Coda’s implementation, I can’t say more.
I have tried these solutions out and unfortunately I run into calculation problems… there is just not enough fire power in the browser to do run these sort of calculations.
I am sorry to understand that you face calculation issues in your doc.
As you know, there is a lot of know how in the community, and if you can share a dummy sample doc most probably suggestions to help you out will see daylight