Trigger automations right when the row changes

Hi, automations work great but there is a long delay from the moment a row is changed to the moment the automation runs.

This is confusing for the following reason: we are running an automation that creates multiple tasks but we don’t see the tasks being created after a few minutes since the automation got triggered.

This is specially important when our team needs to edit the tasks that got created because we need to wait more than desired :slight_smile:


@Raul_San_N.H, hey another great suggestion. I was reading through yours and they are all around similar themes that I am looking for as well in Coda.

I also would like to use automations to create certain engineering tasks when a feature is created - the associated “review,” “QA,” “Deployment” and so on pre-added for assignment. Once they are created, it would be good to be able to edit them, assign, and then presto the work is in Coda waiting for when the team is ready to get to it. But if you are trying to set all this up in one session and you are indeed waiting some minutes for those related tasks to materialize, the flow in Coda could get bogged down for sure.

So I second this request wholeheartedly, thanks!