Update: Improvements to Formula Search

Coda Formulas are powerful ways to synthesize data in your docs and tables. Sometimes all it takes is the right formula to clean up a long list of inputs, uncover a crucial trend, or reformat your data to help tell a story. But we’ve learned that finding the right formula turns out to be more work than necessary in some cases!

Before, when you began entering a formula in Coda, we’d give you suggestions based on matches to the first letters in a formula. This works well for some formulas, but not othersーespecially ‘If,’ ‘Date’ and ‘Time.’

So we updated our formula search and suggestions to match text that might be in the middle of a formula. Now, typing “if” as you begin to write your formula will show you ‘If’ and ‘IfBlank’ as options and other if-logic formulas like ‘SumIf,’ ‘AverageIf.’ Matching letters are also bolded in the formula list to help clarify why they’re in the list.

Here’s another example using ‘Time.’

Screen Recording 2020-02-13 at 02.53 PM

We hope this improvements help you explore more ways to put your data to work in Coda.

We’re always interested in your feedback! Feel free to comment on this post or reach out to our support team.


Nice touch, I will take it.

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This is really useful

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Amazing! Really useful indeed!

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Nice one!

Maybe it could also search in the formula description (which could be improved a bit). That would make it even easier to fnd the right formula.

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In all seriousness though, I wrote so many formulas that I developed certain muscle memory. E.g. I type IsNo + tab and expect it to insert IsNotBlank like it always did. But lately it started inserting IsNotText instead, and I stumble each time.



I’ve been enjoying this UX. :+1:

Finding the right user-named object can also be more work than necessary. In large schemas, exact first letters of object names are easy to forget, and must be navigated to in the UI in order to jog the memory.

Please consider extending this new search functionality to context relevant user-named objects.:grin:


:+1: +1 for the suggestion of @Ander

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