One by one click is too slowly and mechanically ,repetitive.
Suggest :Add 500 Rows or customize rows by one click button function
One by one click is too slowly and mechanically ,repetitive.
Suggest :Add 500 Rows or customize rows by one click button function
Or you can just make yourself a button e.g.
Sequence(1, 500).FormulaMap(
(also you can just hit Enter instead of pressing the blue button. Or copy a piece of text with 500 line breaks and paste it in Coda table)
It works fine. Thanks.
Dear Paul,
Great sample
Many of us, including myself are so used to get “everything” already fixed for you, that we have become lazy to create ourselves a solution and enjoy the positive energy. The above sample of Paul is a good example.
This is still for me the main reason why I love Coda so much, “everything” is possible and “nothing” is possible.
Personal opion based on my life experience:
I am from the Netherlands and moved about 25 years ago to Bulgaria. ( Eastern Europe former “East Block” country) One of the things I admire from people in this region that many of them have well developed skills to find solutions on subjects where 90% of the people will give up.
Although I don’t know Paul personal, I am sure the will power and creativity is in his genes
Thank you
I’m not good at writing formulas.
But I believe Coda can do that with button action.
That’s why I ask for on community.