Dear @Dan_McDermott ,
You asked for AddRow()
and that only goes via a button and you get what you wanted:
[Target Table].AddRow(
[Target Table].thedates,TheDates,
[Target Table].theweekdayname,TheDates.WeekdayName(),
[Target Table].Starttime,If(TheDates.Weekday().Contains(1,2,3,4,5),"08:00","10:00")
This is the empty target table.
If you create a table with the same names, you copy the code in the button it should work. after you change the names etc.
the date ranges is up to you, in my example it is about 40 days.
You can also write the function without WithName()
and thus shorten it a bit.
[Target Table].AddRow([Target Table].thedates,CurrentValue,
[Target Table].theweekdayname,CurrentValue.WeekdayName(),
[Target Table].Starttime,If(currentValue.Weekday().Contains(1,2,3,4,5),"08:00","10:00")
````Preformatted text`
Hope it helps, if so please mark this contribution as the solution so others can pick it up for their specific case. Cheers, Christiaan