Automation Rule, condition with List Not Contains

I have spent countless hours trying to get this done and nothing seems to work. :frowning:

I have an automation that looks if a row is changed in DB1. If row is changed I want to take an action. This part is working greatā€¦ butā€¦ I want to add a condition.

Condition checks if the value that is passed from Step 1 in the automation rule, is present anywhere in DB2 in a certain field.

Any formula that I have tried (I tried everything) doesnā€™t work correctly. When doing basic, like this:
Not(List("americanair","unitedair").Contains("americanair")), it seems to work, but when I am trying to use an actual list from the DB it doesnā€™t ā€œblockā€ the next step if one of the strings exists already.

Examples that do not work (either blocks all or doesnā€™t block at all. with or without the ā€œNotā€ statement)
List([New Topics].Processed.Contains(thisRow.[Step 1 Result]))

Not(FormulaMap(thisRow.[Step 1 Result],[New Topics].Processed.Find(CurrentValue)).Contains(-1))

Hi @Olivier_Cuny :blush: !

Could you share a sample doc/mock-up doc with us here ?

It would be easier to see what could be the problem and help you :blush:


Hi @Olivier_Cuny
sorry to hear you are struggling with your automation.

As @Pch suggested, a quicker way to get things sorted out, would be sharing your doc (or a copy of it). This usually speeds up significantly the time of intervention.

Another thing Iā€™d add to betted debug (and maintain) Automation, would be to extrapolate all the logic into a single button, and use the Automation only as a trigger: its only ā€œlogicā€ would be pushing that button.

Finally, I have the feeling that the datatype you are comparing might not be of the same type: this often makes things a bit harder to test (especially in List() operations).



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