I have spent countless hours trying to get this done and nothing seems to work.
I have an automation that looks if a row is changed in DB1. If row is changed I want to take an action. This part is working great… but… I want to add a condition.
Condition checks if the value that is passed from Step 1 in the automation rule, is present anywhere in DB2 in a certain field.
Any formula that I have tried (I tried everything) doesn’t work correctly. When doing basic, like this:
, it seems to work, but when I am trying to use an actual list from the DB it doesn’t “block” the next step if one of the strings exists already.
Examples that do not work (either blocks all or doesn’t block at all. with or without the “Not” statement)
List([New Topics].Processed.Contains(thisRow.[Step 1 Result]))
Not(FormulaMap(thisRow.[Step 1 Result],[New Topics].Processed.Find(CurrentValue)).Contains(-1))