Bar Charts - y-axis and data labels

Would be great if,

  1. When using %s the y-axis (value axis) was in % versus 0 to 1, i.e. 50% has a value of 0.5 on the y-axis, doesn’t look great.
  2. When the mouse touches the bar in the bar chart the value pops up, please just default it so the value is always there. Looks so much better.
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The big drawback is that axes cannot display percentages. Please fix it!

Hi @Bernard_Kelly :wave: Just wanted to follow up on this thread. We’ve recently launched the ability to add data labels to charts. You can now toggle data labels directly from the chart display menu. For #1, I’ve gone ahead and shared this with the team. Hope this helps!

Screen Capture on 2023-06-09 at 09-37-26 (2)

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Nice job, really appreciate everyone at Coda’s help here, not having data labels was a major hurdle to directly presenting from Coda.