[Bug] Display Column rendering bugs

Following the example in https://coda.io/t/Shishirs-Color-What-Matters-Calendar-Guide_tk_cwQbrjMx/preview?useBack where a Display Column is used to add a colored circle to rows, I setup a similar table.

However, the reference rendering does not format the value of a reference, which results in a completely unreadable reference chip with the image rendered as text (see Parent):

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Hello! The formulaic value s are not properly rendered in lookup columns, this is not good, I have filed this issue to our internal tracking list, thank you.

In the meantime you could implement a select list with a formula pointing to your column like in the example below:


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Hi @Jesus_Guzman, thanks for the hint.
Unfortunately this doesn’t work if you need an external reference table (i.e. select the color from a Colors table having a Rectangle(...) as a Display Column).

However, strangely the rendering is correct if inside a control select (outside the table).

Further, I don’t know if its off-topic here, but any data:image/... reference is broken on external imported docs.

Looking forward for the bugfix…

Many thanks.