Hey @joost_mineur you have a lot of good ideas in this post.
Some of the things you are looking to do can be accomplished with clever solutions. For example:
Filter with a Button
This can be handled by using a helper table that stores the state of a variable. Then, depending on the variable’s value you can use an if()
statement to show or filter the table. I have created a demo here to show you how it might be accomplished:
Cycle Options with Button
Having a button cycle through options can also be accomplished, although it must use a table. Here is a simple demo for changing a date. I use this in my task tracker to update due dates quickly - you are right it is easier for the user, and has less of a mental load, to click quickly then have to manipulate and consider various controls.
Here is an example using a button in a table and a button on the canvas:
This is what is great about Coda, it can do more than you imagine!