Can I reference the next number in a list of numbers

I would like my ‘Advance to Next Station’ Button to look at the list of numbers that are in ‘Stages Not To Skip’, find the ‘current stage’ value and then output the number that follows it into ‘Next Stage’.

So the current stage is ‘3’ and the next number in the list ‘1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10’ would be 6. Is there a formula that will do this?

Hi @Daila_Duford : How do you get your different lists of numbers in Stages to skip, Not to skip and Current stage ? :innocent:

Edit : I’ve found 2 ways to do what you’re asking :blush: : Either by using Sequence() or by using Rank() :blush:. (Rank() only works if the field Current is a Number type of field though).

I had no idea how you get your lists of stages, so I improvised :yum: .

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Sorry for the delayed response! Thank you so much for your help! I actually did figure it out using the Nth (+1) formula very similar to what you showed here. This is what I worked out:

(thisRow.[Stages not to skip]).Nth(Find(thisRow.[Current Stage],thisRow.[Stages not to skip])+1)

And to answer your original question, the stages are all pulled from lookup tables.

I appreciate your input so much. This community is amazing!


@Daila_Duford No worries, it happens :wink: !

And I very glad to see that you’ve been able to come up with yet another possibilities to solve this mystery :grin: , which I’m going to bookmark :wink: !

Even though I didn’t do much, you’re welcome :wink: !

Don’t hesitate to come back if you’ve got other troubles :wink: !