Hi all,
Right now I’m trying to set up a button in a table that, when clicked, searches a specific search engine with a query based on a column.
I’ve managed to set it up correctly but for some reason when I use a column from the sheet the search engine does not use the spaces in the column it pulls from.
The formula goes like this:
Concatenate(“https://www.bing.com/search?q=”, thisRow.[Org Name], “&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=cod&sc=8-3&sk=&cvid=046DC5877DB2464BBAADEEF5DAC12FF6”)
However if the org name has spaces - e.g. “Coda Inc.” it would go to the search engine as “CodaInc.”. This makes it not function for the search engine I’m trying to use.
Any ideas?