Custom name for current value as a function parameter

CurrentValue in loops such as Filter and FormulaMap/ForEach is a pain to use because we have to use WithName to be able to access the current value of a parent loop:

Table A.Filter(
           Table B.Filter(

While the above example doesn’t make much sense and is just for illustration, there are many times I find myself trying to access a parent current value.

My suggestion is to add a new named or optional argument (so existing formulas are not broken everywhere) which can be used to set a custom name for the current value, something like: ForEach(List, CurrentValueName, Formula), and so the above example would become:

Table A.Filter(
    Table B.Filter(

With one level of nesting the difference is not very visible, but Coda formulas are already very verbose and any nesting that can be avoided is a “quality of life” improvement.