I’d like to echo the sentiment here amongst the commenters for continued development by Coda of more user-friendly ways to work with hierarchies within rows and data.
In particular my pain points have been:
- Successfully using lookups to create intra-table structures like subtasks within the same table, ones talked about here for example:
Subtasks in a task
I have trouble with the sophistication of the formulas Paul is talking about here, and Krunal’s solution in this thread is simply too hard for me to understand, and likewise I couldn’t implement in my doc as I would break it!
- More sophisticated builds between related tables: Grouping related data, pulling in descendant/ancestral root data between linked data to display in columns, use of associated filters, etc.
I know you guys are working on these solutions but I just wanted to flag up again that my need for this stuff remains big!
Thanks and Cheers!