Data Type for Nested Object Schemas?

Is it possible to set the data type for a nested schema property in a sync table?
In this case the sync table property is Coda ObjectSchema and is an set of numbers with the display property being the total of all the numbers. I’d like users to be able to filter on this column using the filter bar but the column type is a Text field so you can’t do filters like greater or less than.

The sync table property is called issues and is setup like this:

The ProjectIssueSchema is an object with all number fields. The display property is the total of all the numbers.

The tables column data type is a Text field instead of a number:

Manually changing the column type in the table via the UI to a Number removes the object.

Is there a way to declare the nested schema column’s data type to a number instead of text?

Hi @Ryan_Hubbard1 - The short answer is no, you can’t get an object schema to behave like a number column. In cases where there is only a single nested object, the best solution would likely be to flatten it out, removing the nested schema and adding more properties to the top-level schema. So Issues.Total should be flattened to TotalIssues, etc.

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Thanks @Eric_Koleda. Appreciate the quick response.