Deleting (matching) values in List A from List B (help please-and-thank-you)

Hi community!

I have two lists.

Each list can contain 1 or more instance of the same value.

For each value in List A, if it matches a value in List B, ‘delete’ one instance of a matched value in List B.

  • Ideal result - the whole process runs in one formula (Trial 1).
  • Current working result - the process runs by extracting to action table (Trial 2).

I have tried to do this every way I can think of to get a the ‘Ideal result’ version of this to work. It seems to be just out of reach for my Coda skills to make happen.

Here’s an example Doc:

Hi Sam,

I have added an Import Approach page to the doc, which outlines how I would typically approach this problem.

  1. It appears that there are some values to be parsed/extracted form some text first
  2. Then each parsed value needs to be checked against a target table and deleted from it if it exists.
  3. It also appears you want to log the deleted values so I’ve shown how I would handle that also

Thank you for this response!

It will be a couple of days before I get a chance to dig into your suggestion. Really looking forwards to it.

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