Drawing on canvas

@tomavatars I too am 100% trying to solve for the same use case. Just a note for what its worth that using embed with excalidraw is a somewhat positive experience. I had to create a few workarounds for various scenarios - Excalidraw has some live collaboration features as well as a unique approach to document saving via url data, and these things are a little clunky to leverage from a coda environment - but it is a somewhat helpful capability to be able to map something in Excalidraw, drop the export url into a table alongside some metadata columns for search utility and then have an embed formula source that URL for inline visual review when needed.

@cnr Wanted to reflect and build on your comment, as I think it is a really thoughtful perspective - and spurs a lot of deep thought. I’ve tried to write this up for others who may be also exploring these themes - such as my peers in the system’s design community. I’ve made a separate suggestion box ticket for this here:

Can (and should) visual thinking be supported in Coda to facilitate use cases for strategic intelligence in system and application design?

TL;DR on my thoughts:

  1. The Coda product teams interaction UX vision may benefit from considering the domain of visual deliberation to unlock the doc creation potential of users. I’ll present some context and case for this and note that it can include both data driven and interaction driven visualization.
  2. I agree that there are some very interesting use cases for specifically data driven visual thinking capability in Coda. I’ll share an example of MVP experiment I explored some time ago.

Feel free to click the link for a deep dive :slight_smile: