Hi all,
Sorry, Coda newbie here. Not afraid of using formulas etc if needed.
I’m a coach and am trying to create a Coda document that lists my appointments, with additional pages (one per client) showing a view of those appointments that is filtered to that particular client.
Each Client Page also includes a table showing my assessment notes.
Master Page: A Master Table with one row per appointment (already synced from my scheduler app)
Client Page: On top, a view of the Master Table filtered to list one client’s appointments. Underneath, an Assessment Table with notes I make during their initial assessment.
I want to create a Client Page ‘template’ (or whatever hack works) that lets me create a new Client page quickly and easily. So far I’ve tried Duplicating.
Duplicating works well for the Appointments table: when duplicating, I select to keep all views connected so everything is synced and I only need to change the filter to show the right client’s appointments.
However, the Assessment Table is different for each client, so I don’t want that table to be connected.
When duplicating my template Client Page, Coda forces me to either connect every view, or duplicate the data without changing other views. It doesn’t appear that I can choose which views are connected and which are not.
I guess the most simple solution would be to copy & paste a blank Assessment Table into every new Client Page. But ideally I’d like to avoid that manual step.
Finally … In the Client Page the filtered Appointments table also contains a Lookup field that links to the Assessment table below it. If I can keep that linked without manually doing it each time, that would be perfect.
Is there any workaround here?
Many thanks indeed!