We have a virtual office in gather.town and all our documentation in coda. Since gather allows embeds, I wanted our team to interact with coda docs directly from the map like in this gif:
For example, we have this knowledge base as a nice coda doc where people can just dump some useful links or info. I wanted people to walk up to this giant tree, interact with it to open the doc then edit it.
But AFAIK, embeds are view only (or play mode), so for now we need to open coda in another tab to insert links. And that kinda defeats the purpose of having coda embedded in this metaverse.
In this case, I want only our team to be able to view and edit those docs if possible. But I can assume users will be logged in coda in the browser they use to access Gather.
I suspect coda won’t allow this kind of embedding outside of a coda page. I mean, I think your example would run as well on gather or any other website.
I’ll try with a published doc (although I don’t want people from outside the org to be able to open this doc)
I think they’re the only ones that got metaverse “right”: It’s inexpensive (you don’t need thousand dollars glasses), easy to learn, fun, and has as much interactivity as one may need for education, remote work, gathering with friends…
Doesn’t work with a published doc as well. Says connection was refused right away. The same occurs if I try to embed a doc using the “regular” URL of the doc
It would be awesome if you could pass in parameters from the thing Coda is embedded in, like query string type stuff so that you could affect filters and whatnot based on embed context.
the problem is that an Embed() in Coda is not allowed to have pop-ups. So the login dialog cannot occur.
If the app in question can be accessed with the credentials encoded in the URL, then that might be a solution.
Otherwise, you might be able to login via a separate tab, and then Embed() might not need to do a login, and might then load the UI in the iframe and allow interactions.
This is the case, for example, with Codapen embeds.