Encryption in Coda: Can you keep a secret?

I suppose its pretty good for your first doc @Jono_Bouwmeester …Haha - this doc is crazy good. Also - this fixes the lack of granularity in codas user permissions. Now, if you want to do your next one on construction project management …

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Haha challenge accepted, @Ryan_Redmond

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Using forms is actually ingenious. Those are sandboxes on their own. You don’t even have to publish them, correct?

Absolutely mindblown, @Jono_Bouwmeester! You have a bottomless bag of tricks for UI building in Coda :exploding_head:. A LOT to learn from this doc all alone!

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What a great masterpiece. :+1::+1::+1: The combination of the blocks and the content is simply gorgeous.
We are trying to bring the data encryption idea alive on Coda doc. For those who is interested, drop us a visit here: Preview: CoPass - Encrypt sensitive data in a doc and share them securely . Happy to hear from the every one here. :grin:

This is AMAZING !! — I’m new to Coda and your doc helps me know I’m gonna have fun using it for a very long time as I master as much of what it can do for me and my life project. Thanks SO much.


Ah thank you for the kind words, @sisteradmn :slight_smile: Glad you’ve been inspired. Coda is just a deep well of creative potential, and I wish you all the best with exploring your own creativity with it. If you ever get stuck, this community is a fantastic source of help - we’re all here to build each other up.

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Thank YOU. Love it here already.

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I have a page where I needed some encryption and I’m just now seeing this potential solution (which I’ll pour over to see what’s possible…)

In my case I simply used an online encryption utility to copy paste my text into:

I would LOVE if there was a Coda function that buttons could then call to encrypt / decrypt text in a particular text column (the key could be referenced either in the button params or come some other place in the doc etc.

Hi @William_Bell ! Great stuff, hope you enjoy my doc!

I hear you on a native encryption feature in Coda! It’d be quite simple to develop a pack to transform plaintext to/from ciphertext, but the bigger issue is getting around Coda’s Doc History. If I type something into a text column, then click a button to “encrypt” it, nothing’s stopping another Coda user from hopping into the doc’s Doc History and rolling the action back to see my original text.

Also, if the encryption key is just part of the [Encrypt] button’s setup, then it’d be visible to other users in the doc, allowing them to use it to freely decrypt the ciphertext.

These are all issues I explore in the “Can you keep a secret doc” above, and that I (hopefully) solve in the follow up The Encryption Template I posted a few weeks after. The template uses published forms to handle the encryption process. This prevents Coda from ever storing the plaintext or encryption key anywhere, and keeps this information private and secure.

I made that template free to copy, so you’re welcome to give it a try if you’re interested. There’s a bit of setup required initially, but once your doc is up and running it should save you some time and effort as you’ll no longer have to manually copy-paste from that cryptotools.net site.

Shout if you’ve got any questions :slight_smile:

Hey Jono, being a majority solo user , my usage of Doc History has been minimal, but yes, that feature would be a weak point, as you mentioned.

As far as the button I mentioned being on the Team plan, I would lock down the editing functionality preventing the button’s internals from being inspected - an additional field would need to be added by Coda to support having the cipher as a parameter for a built-in encrypt / decrypt function.

My first thought before the button idea was to simply have a text field at the top of my table where the cipher is entered.

When a button in the row is pressed, it either encrypts or decrypts the target cell value.

Having a Paste from clipboard function as I had also suggested to Coda, would save me a bunch of time when using my current method - cryptotools (and other things!..)

I’ll take a look at your suggestion over the coming weekend, again, thanks for the work you’ve put into this!

You’re very welcome, @William_Bell. :slight_smile:

Please let me know if you end up finding it useful, or if you find a different solution that works for you. I’m (not so) secretly obsessed with implementing encryption in Coda in a way that’s user friendly while also being actually secure. It’s a really fun challenge because of how immediately useful it’d be, and how tricky it is with so many moving parts to be cognizant of.

Anyways… Good luck with your build, and please keep me posted!

Believe me, I’m totally jealous, I had even posted a question around here if it was possible, using Coda’s SDK to custom develop encrypt / decrypt functionality (e.g., a plugin - I’m a .NET developer by profession and I’ve done similar in a couple of C# programs…)