Error when sending multiple request to an API

This is a newbie JS question
I have this API that accepts multiple requests. You have to pass an object with all the requests. The thing is, if one of this request fails, I get a 400 HTTP error.
How can I code this request so I can get the result of those that don’t fail?

let dadosCalculoFrete = {
         "coProduto":"04510", // PAC à vista
         "tpObjeto":"2", // Tipo de objeto n° 2 é caixa
         "vlDeclarado":valor, //valor min 24,50 valor max 3000
         "cepDestino": cepDestinatario
         "coProduto":"04014", // SEDEX à vista
         "tpObjeto":"2", // Tipo de objeto n° 2 é caixa
         "vlDeclarado":valor,  //valor min 24,50 valor max 10000
         "cepDestino": cepDestinatario
         "coProduto":"03298", // PAC contrato
         "tpObjeto":"2", // Tipo de objeto n° 2 é caixa
         "vlDeclarado":valor,   //valor min 24,50 valor max 3000
         "cepDestino": cepDestinatario
         "coProduto":"03220",  // SEDEX contrato
         "tpObjeto":"2", // Tipo de objeto n° 2 é caixa
         "vlDeclarado":valor,   //valor min 24,50 valor max 10000
         "cepDestino": cepDestinatario
  let respostaFrete = await context.fetcher.fetch({
    method: "POST",
    url: "",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
    body: JSON.stringify(dadosCalculoFrete),
  let freteJson = respostaFrete.body;

HI @Breno_Nunes - For APIs that accept multiple operations in a single request, like the one shown here, whether or not they support partial success and the mechanism for it depends completely on how the API was built. You’ll have to reach out to the API owner to see if they have the ability to support partial success and if so how to access the successful results.

Thank you, @Eric_Koleda.
I didn’t see any support for that.
I guess I’ll try to validate the parameters before sending to the API.