Formula for HTML output

I created a really tiny pack, which adds a ToHtml() formula to convert the input value to HTML. This works on rich text, so formatted text fields and canvas fields, and outputs a string of the HTML conversion. All the conversion is implemented interally by Coda, so I’m just exposing the output. I’ll add more info to the listing pages etc. if someone thinks this is actually useful.



well done indeed.
i have been testing this out and it is very useful.
i can now solve a problem that was niggling at me.
i had been using the _Merge() function to convert formatted text into its JSON internal structure.
but that was proving difficult to manage for large bodies of text involving check lists and foldable lists etc

your function gives me plain old HTML which i know how to parse and process

well done



one small issue with your pack…
your description says it takes in HTML and returns text.

but in fact, it should say that it takes in rich-text and returns HTML as a text string.

i was a bit confused at first


@Nuutti_Kotivuori1, you say

All the conversion is implemented interally by Coda, so I’m just exposing the output.

How is this internal conversion done? I ask because I need to do similar conversion without the delay involved in using the Pack (which executes on the server, not the browser).

The built-in ToHtml() is only available (weirdly?) in a Button and not a column-formula. Is THIS the conversion function you are using?
