Formula help - replace number in total automatically

|Week | Actual Time | Planned Time|

|— | — | —|
|1 | 2 | 5|
|2 | 6 | 5|
|3 | 3 | 5|
|4 | | 5|
|5 | | 5|
|6 | | 5|

What I’d like it to do is give me the total of the planned time but if an actual time is given - override the planned time.

For example, if no actual time was entered the “planned time” = 30 (5+5+5+5+5). But if 3 weeks have passed and have actual time reported then I want the actual time to replace the planned time for that week - so my formula would automatically change to (2+6+3+5+5+5). If I changed the actual time in week one from 2 hours to 8 hours, my formula would then be (8+6+3+5+5+5).

And the Sum would probably display on a different summary table broken down by person.

Hi @TK1,

please let me know if that is what you desired:

This is the used formula:

If(thisRow.[Actual Time].IsBlank(), thisRow.[Planned Time], thisRow.[Actual Time])

Please let me know if this solved your issue and if you have any more questions.

Best regards

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Please let me know if this solved your issue so we can move forward and mark this issue as resolved.
