Google app script within Coda packs

Is it possible to use Google App Script within CODA packs?
I want to create functions in Coda packs to create documents from templates in Google Drive using Google App Script functions.
Thank you.

There is quite a long thread on this topic in the forum already.

It is possible, but it is not simple.

The Apps Script Pack I mentioned in that thread has a TriggerWebApp action now, which does make it easier to connect the two, but still with the limitations mentioned.

Thanks Agile and Eric.
I had seen this thread, it is a viable solution.
But my question was about executing commands from the app script itself, like SpreadsheetApp, inside the Coda pack.
I imagine that this is not possible.
Thanks for the answers.

That’s correct, the Apps Script interfaces (SpreadsheetApp, DocumentApp, etc) are not part of the Packs SDK. You can use the Fetcher in the SDK to make requests to Google APIs for those products (Sheets API, Docs API, etc), but it can be a bit more complicated than using the Apps Script interfaces.